This tactile exhibition focused on touch and encouraged visitors to feel the works and relate to the events staged by making the most of all their senses. While being a contemporary art event for the typical art-loving public, the exhibition was also keen to provide innovative cultural perspectives among diverse audiences and attract people with sight defects or other impairments to the tactile beauty on the works.
The theme selection highlights the need for art accessibility and points out the fact that, maintaining physical contact with the world around us directly afects a person’s mental health. The festival challenges the prevalence of image in modern society and celebrates a return to the physical presence and tactile qualities of the works of art. Visitors are free to touch and feel the exhibits.
The festival included exhibition of pop-up books, paper cuts, tactile notebooks, soft sculptures, assemblage, ready-mades, workshops, tactile performances, puppet shows, doll exhibition, narration, concerts. The festival took place under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Health, the Greek Ministry of Culture and with the support of the Panhellenic Association of the Blind
and the Greek Lifhthouse for the Blind, for the Braille version of the program catalogue.
and the Greek Lifhthouse for the Blind, for the Braille version of the program catalogue.
Participating: Dimitri Kalviotis, Katerina Papazisi, Stavroula Papadaki, Grigoria Bryttia, Helen Aggeloy, Anna Lekka., Royal Fenekoy, Dimitra Liakoyra,Petros Roykoytakis – blind sculptor, Laboratory of Ceramics of Lighthouse of Blinds, Laboratory of Ceramics and Creative Action of Psychiatric Hospital Athens, Theatrical Team of Centre of Day KI.P.O.S. of AmKE DIODOS.Faros of BlindsGreece, Panagiota Staikoy (mapping out in plexi glasses), Ioanna Papadopoulou, Vira Konstanda, Sally Blakemore, Vasso Psaraki, Pataki editions, Christina Christidoy,Petros Synodinos, Aggelos Mpousmpouras, Sptyridon Paparoulias – Fotis Belentzas (team projectorato), Vasilis Mpotoulas, Marios Polychroniadis.
Curation: Maritina Kontaratou, Culture Department, K.S.D.E.O. EDRA