Make your own PAZL–PET. With your own geometric forms tangram, shape forms of animals in unexpected combinations, placing in various places the individual level pieces.From Ymai Life–Getmira Sociologist.
Cut and created your own ORIGAMI–PET.In a square leaf paper create three–dimensional forms of animals, then from concrete “you crease” the square form. Then with the use of colours, enrich it with your imagination! From Ymai Evaggelia–Giasmina,Educator.
Paper cut and make your own animal with the use of various recyclable materials.From Athanasia Butler, Sociologist.
Animal finger–puppet for the children‘s sentiments. If you want to manufacture your own friend/friend animal take part in this laboratory! From Chryssoula Karemfylaki, Art Therapist.
Once upon a time was… Come together with us in a travel of histories with animals as fellow–travelers. Who is the most intelligent, most beautiful creature of Animal Kingdom? What the secret world of animals teaches us for the world of humans? The stories carry answers…Narration: Katerina Nakoy, Educator.
Teaching and Treatment from the animals through Amerindian Sophia. “It rolled a SmallWhite Stone and it brought you reminded from that years where Persons spoke with the Animals and this afterwards were forgotten, as so much otherthings with regard to the Nature! …” A children‘s action for Amerindians. From Alexandra Miliopoyloy– Small Black Feather.
KIDS WORKSHOP Role playing games, storytelling and devising with masks and puppets. The animals are seen as symbols of humal traits and emotions.
KIDS CORNER A serene library with animal books, comics and fairytails. Storytelling with the presence of a therapy animal.
KIDS CRAFTS Imaginative crafts (dog and cat jewelry, puppets of pets, pop – up cards and construction of pet habitats) with the help of an animateur.
YOGA WORKSHOP Two hour yoga seminar by Andriana Sapriki about the contribution of the obser – vation of animals in medita – tion, through movements, sounds and breathing.
THERAPY HOUR Creative program with mental health servise users in combination with therapy animals from the organisation SAPT Hellas. Boarding houses, day care centers and mental health organisation representatives are participating.
DOG WALK A dog walk for awareness and celebration of mental health with or without our dogs. The pre scheduled route is given in a map and combines street art happenings, music and treats.
TREASURE HUNT The walk follows a treasure hunt for the family aiming to educational purposes and awareness. Facepainting and body painting by animateurs.