30 Σεπτεμβρίου – 1 Οκτωβρίου 2023 | 14.00-21.00 | Ωθωνική Αυλή, Πάρκο Τρίτση. Γλώσσα Βίντεο-προβολών: Αγγλικά.
“Romeo and Juliet behind the bars of a juvenile detention centre”(Puntozero Teatro in collaboration with University of Milan), 90′
As part of the “FE-ARTY”: FESTIVALS, ART THERAPY & YOUNG PEOPLE” project, the members of all involved organizations – ISPS, Safe Space-Festival Mental, EDRA and L’Altre Festival, created videos that comprise moments of their respective festivals; as well as thoughts and discussions about why these festivals contributed to the awareness of the public and helped those with mental health difficulties to express themselves. 160′