A documentary named “In the HeArt of Soul”, directed by Small Planet, all devoted to our 2016 NEFELE festival. You can…
Six performances, two theatrical plays and six music events took place during the 16 days of the 1st European Art…
1-16 October, 12.00-22.00, Bouzianis Museum, 27 Bouziani Street, Dafni / 1st -16th October 2016. Opening party: Saturday 1st October, 18.00….
1-16 October, 12.00-22, Bouziani Museum, Bouziani 27-31, Dafni. Opening party: Saturday 1st October, 18.00. Curator: Maritina Kontaratou This exhibition showcases…
Exhibition. 1-16 October, 12.00-22.00, Athens School of Fine Arts, 256 Peiraios st, Rentis & Bouziani Museum, 27-31 Bouziani Str, Dafni….
In cooperation with the Career Office of the Athens School of Fine Arts. 1-16 October 2016, Athens School of Fine Arts,…
1-16 October 2016, Bouzianis Museum, 27 Bouziani str, Dafni. Part of the 1st European Arts and Mental Health Festival NEFELE….
NEFELE project (Networking European Festivals for Mental Life Enhancement) – The project started its journey in Dublin meeting. A move towards…